If you’ve been following my blog for the past week, you’re aware that I’m doing the Your Turn Challenge. Before six days ago, I hadn’t blogged in three weeks. I started blogging in July 2013: a year and a half ago. In that year and a half, I wrote and published 25 posts, including this one. It’s crazy to think that a third of those posts are from the past seven days.
What did I learn from this challenge? I need to blog more often. I can blog more often. There is no word minimum or maximum for a blog post. My shortest post was 79 words and my longest post was 999 words. In both posts, I wrote something; I shared a perspective. That’s the purpose of writing.
There are a ton of topics I can blog about that I haven’t explored already. If you want to learn my perspective on something in particular, let me know by making a comment below. Stay tuned because I will write about them soon.
Thank you Winnie Kao and Seth Godin for inspiring me to ship more frequently. I know I could have done it without you, but who knows how long it would have taken me to get here.
Cheers to my fellow Your Turn Challenge participants. We did it!
This post is my contribution to the Your Turn Challenge. I am joining thousands of secretly inspiring people in challenging myself to write and ship one blog post every day for seven days. Today is day seven of the challenge. Click the hyperlink above for more information.