Lesson #10: ROCK your personal brand

For the past few days, I’ve been wearing ROCKTAPE on my right calf. For those who are unfamiliar with ROCKTAPE, it’s a brand of adhesive tape that is used to treat athletic injuries. Some of my colleagues asked me what it was, why I needed it and if it worked. Their reactions reminded me of the classic question that entertainment reporters ask celebrities on the red carpet; “What are you wearing?”

Lesson #10: ROCK your personal brand.

In all of the years I’ve watched award shows, not once have I witnessed a celebrity say he/she didn’t know the designer who made his/her outfit. Fashion is a key attraction of award shows. It’s an opportunity for both celebrities and designers to promote their personal brands.

The same is true at the office. Imagine if I told my colleagues I had no idea what the tape was and that I was wearing it just because the doctor said so. Imagine I froze and didn’t know what to say. My response would have been less engaging and less credible because I wouldn’t have known what I was representing. I might have even earned the nickname, “tape girl.”

Now, imagine if I was at a networking event where I bumped into a person who worked for ROCKTAPE. The person might have taken notice because I might have been the only person visibly wearing it. My knowledge of the product would have been a great conversation starter. That conversation could have started about running and turned into a discussion about employment opportunities at the company. Rather than “tape girl,” I could have been viewed as “promising prospective employee.”

The lesson here is to know yourself and your objectives. Depending on the situation, my example of ROCKTAPE could be anything from your interview elevator pitch to your hobby. My mother once told me that a person can’t find happiness until the person knows what he/she wants. She is right (like most things she tells me). The same is true about obtaining your goals. You won’t get anywhere professionally or personally unless you know yourself, your desires and your capabilities. In other words, know how to rock your personal brand.

Did you learn this lesson yet? Share your story in the comments section.

One Comments

  • P. Reilly 20 / 08 / 2014

    Sage advice!


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